Universities as Catalyst for Change
In this collection the data and outcomes of the design workshop “Urban Debates” on the 9th of March are gathered. The workshop was organized for 25 students of the Researchmaster Urban Studies (UvA) and hosted by the CSO team. It was part of the program “Universities as Catalyst for Change”.
The goal of the workshop was to dive into the needs and desires of the researcher of the future . What do they need to contribute to our changing urban environment and what will enable them to positively impact the many crises we face in the future?
In the first part of the workshop the students were asked to write a fairytale about their research landscape. This exercise allowed them to use their imagination and to think creatively outside current boundaries. In the second part, they were asked to link those stories to the real world, guided by three questions. As output they wrote a list of requirements or demands for future research(ers).
All output was documented on paper and presentations of students were recorded on video. In this collection you can find the slides and video's.