the stepwise development of the primary school-based JUMP-in intervention applying the RE-AIM evaluation framework

There is a lack of effective intervention strategies that promote physical activity (PA) in school children. Furthermore, there is a gap between PA intervention research and the delivery of programmes in practice. Evaluation studies seldom lead to adaptations in interventions that are subsequently evaluated by implementation on a wider scale. The stepwise development and study of JUMP-in aims to add knowledge to better understand how, when and for whom intervention effects (or lack of effects) occur.


 This paper describes the stepwise development of JUMP-in, a Dutch school-based multi-level intervention programme, aimed at the promotion of PA behaviour in 6–12-year-old children. JUMP-in incorporates education, sports, care and policy components. JUMP-in consists of six programme components:

  • Pupil Follow-up Monitoring System;
  • School sports clubs;
  • In-class exercises with “The Class Moves!”;
  • Personal workbook “This is the way you move!”;
  • Parental Information Services;
  • Extra lessons in physical education, Motor Remedial Teaching and extra care.

The process and effect outcomes of a pilot study were translated into an improved programme and intervention organisation, using the RE-AIM framework (Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance).

This paper presents the process and results of the application of this framework, which resulted in a widescale implementation of JUMP-in.


Results The application of the RE-AIM framework resulted in challenges and remedies for an improved JUMP-in intervention. The remedies required changes at three different levels: (1) the content of the programme components; (2) the organisation and programme management; and (3) the evaluation design.


Conclusions Considering factors that determine the impact of PA interventions in ‘real life’ is of great importance. The RE-AIM framework appeared to be a useful guide by which process and effect outcomes could be translated into an improved programme content and organisation.


De Meij, J. S., Chinapaw, M. J., Kremers, S. P., Jurg, M. E., & Van Mechelen, W. (2010). Promoting physical activity in children: the stepwise development of the primary school-based JUMP-in intervention applying the RE-AIM evaluation framework. British journal of sports medicine, 44(12), 879-887.




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Icon image: Fotograaf: Edwin van Eis. Flevopark, uit fotobank gemeente Amsterdam