
SwS Festival 2024: VU Students Inclusive Cities

Here you can find the report of the VU students focusing on the theme Inclusive Cities, as discussed at the Science with Society Festival 2024.

For this project, students worked within the Knowledge Alliance Inclusive and
Accessible City: Vrije Universiteit (Community Service Learning Team), the Gemeente
(Municipality) Amsterdam and Amsterdam Transport Authority (Vervoerregio Amsterdam);
students are encouraged to investigate what initiatives are taking place internationally that
are contributing to facilitating proximity in the cities. It will be their task to explore their
adaptability and feasibility to the Dutch context and identify possible gaps and how these can
be approached. In this challenge students will explore, how can we bring proximity to the
city, particularly in the Nieuw-West, Zuidoost and Noord regions of Amsterdam? The latter
question centres around strategies and interventions the city (transport institutions,
municipalities, neighbour organisations) can take to convey the gap between accessibility and
proximity in dense and diverse modern cities like Amsterdam.

Image credits

Header image: WmdW festival VU foto

Icon image: WmdW festival VU foto

