
Geertje Tijsma

Vrije Universiteit

Research Associate, Faculty of Science, Athena Institute

Ik ben promovendus aan de Vrije Universiteit (VU). Momenteel doe ik onderzoek naar het institutionaliseringsproces van community service learning (CSL) binnen de VU. CSL is een onderwijsvorm die studenten in staat stelt hun academische kennis in te zetten om (complexe) maatschappelijke vraagstukken te adresseren. Dit gebeurt vaak in nauwe samenwerking met een maatschappelijke partner.

  • Public

    WmdW Festival 2024: HvA Studenten Mental Wellbeing

    Here you can find the products of the HvA students focusing on the theme…

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    SwS Festival 2024: VU Students Mental Wellbeing

    Here you can find the report of the VU students focusing on the theme…

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    SwS Festival 2024: HvA student Community building Nieuw-West

    Here you can find the report of the HvA students focusing on the theme…

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    SwS Festival 2024: VU Students Community Garden

    Here you can find the report of the VU students focusing on the theme…

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    SwS Festival 2024: VU Students Inclusive Cities

    Here you can find the report of the VU students focusing on the theme…

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    SwS Festival 2024: VU Students Energy Transition

    Here you can read the report of the VU students that focused on the energy…

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  • Collection (6)

    Science with Society Festival 2024

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    Student and Society in Dialogue 2023: Oost

    Summary of conversations between students, residents and the OBA community…

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    Student and Society in Dialogue 2023: South

    Summary of conversations between students, residents and the OBA community…

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    Student and Society in Dialogue 2023: North

    Summary of conversations between students, residents and the OBA community…

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    Student and Society in Dialogue 2023: New West

    Summary of conversations between students, residents and the OBA community…

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  • Collection (4)

    Student and Society in Dialogue 2023

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  • Collection (8)

    Projecten 2022-2023

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  • Collection (3)

    Projecten en initiatieven

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    WmdW festival HvA studenten: energie transitie 2

    Here you can find the report of the HvA students focusing on the theme…

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  • wetenschap met de wijk event 2023 - copyright G. Tijsma

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  • Collection (8)

    Student and Society in Dialogue 2022: Student…

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    Student and City in Dialogue 2022: Student Project 1 Mental Strength

    Amsterdam South East

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    Student and City in Dialogue 2022: Student Project 2 Mental Strength

    Amsterdam East

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    Student and City in Dialogue 2022: Student Project 3 Mental Strength

    Amsterdam New West

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    Student and City in Dialogue 2022: Student Project 1 Energy Transition

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    Student and City in Dialogue 2022: Student Project 2 Energy Transition

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    Student and City in Dialogue 2022: Student Project 3 Energy Transition

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    Student and City in Dialogue 2022: Student Project 4 Energy Transition

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    Student and Society in Dialogue 2022: Student Project 4 Mental Strength

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    Results Student and Society in Dialogue about Spaces for Mental Strength, December 2022

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    Results Student and City in Dialogue: Towards a Just Energy Transition, December 2022

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    SwS Festival 2023: Mental Strength

    what is mental strength and how can it be improved ?

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    SwS Festival 2023: Energy Transition

    Towards a Just Energy Transition

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  • Collection (7)

    SwS Festival 2023: Student Products

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    SwS Festival 2023: HVA Students Energy Transition

    Here you can find the report of the HvA students focusing on the theme…

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    SwS Festival 2023: HVA Students Mental Strength

    Here you can find the report of the HvA students focusing on the theme…

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    SwS Festival 2023: VU Students Green Living Spaces

    Here you can find the report of the VU students focusing on the theme…

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    SwS Festival 2023: VU Students Local Food Production

    Here you can find the report of the VU students focusing on the theme of…

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    SwS Festival 2023: VU Students Mental Strength

    Here you can find the report of the VU students focusing on the theme…

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    SwS Festival 2023: VU Students Energy Transition

    Here you can read the report of the VU students that focused on the energy…

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  • Collection (7)

    Science with Society Festival 2023

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  • Science with Society

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  • Collection (3)

    Student and Society in Dialogue 2022

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  • Towards a Just Energy Transition

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  • Spaces for Mental Strength

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    Uitnodiging wetenschap met de wijk festival 20 en 22 juni!

    20 juni | 14:00 - 18:00 | OBA Oosterdok Amsterdam

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    The CSL team has won for 'Community Engagement Initiative of the Year'!

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    Stakeholder engagement in education and research

    This toolbox includes stakeholder engagement tools to facilitate community…

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    15 onderzoeken rond Verbinding met de Samenleving

    Eindrapport Onderzoeksregeling City Deal Kennis Maken

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    Werkplaats Rijke Leeromgeving

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    Faciliteren van strategieën voor institutionalisering van Maatschappelijk Betrokken Onderwijs (MBrO) binnen verschillende type…

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  • Collection (3)

    CSL en City Deal Kennismaken

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    How to initiate and nourish Transformational Processes within Community Engagement in Education and Research?

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    Exchanging lessons on engagement in education and research learnt from international contexts

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    How to use CSL to integrate sustainability into teaching practices?

    Within this Learning lab the VU Sustainability Leadership Hub (SLH) and…

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    How to do online CSL?

    Tuesday 17 November 2020 the community service learning (CSL) team…

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    What do students learn through CSL?

    The Utrecht University SIG CEL team, the Utrecht University Centre for…

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  • Collection (5)

    CSL Learning Labs (VU)

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    Becoming productive 21st century citizens

    A systematic review uncovering design principles for integrating community…

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    A Thematic Approach to CSL

    A-Win-Win-Win Situation?

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  • Collection (2)

    Wetenschappelijke artikelen over CSL

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  • Collection (8)

    Athena Institute

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  • Collection (19)

    Transdisciplinary Learning through Community…

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