

Society requires new design competence for digital transformation.

DCODE will train 15 PhD students in design(-anthropology), media studies, science and technology studies & data science, and equip them with a holistic understanding needed for the human-centric design of product service systems powered by Big Data & AI.

Context and training focus 
A fundamentally new kind of design competence is needed to anticipate the digital transformation of society and create the conditions for responsible and sustainable futures. DCODE aims to train researchers and designers to guide society’s digital transformation towards inclusive, sustainable futures, cutting across industries and sectors. 
DCODE will train 15 PhD students in design, design anthropology, media studies, science and technology studies, and data science, equipping them with the holistic understanding needed for human-centric design of product service systems powered by Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. This interdisciplinary approach enables responsible digital transformation, with research spanning areas such as sustainability, mobility, and healthcare. 

Research challenges and prototeams 
The five key research challenges identified include anthropological study and principled engineering of algorithms, design of socially appropriate interactions with decentralized systems, inclusive value creation in data-driven products and services, mechanisms for public deliberation and governance of data flows, and future design practices emphasizing anticipatory, deliberative, and responsive innovation approaches. It introduces a post-disciplinary mode of working called ‘prototeams’ to foster interdisciplinary understanding and develop future professional design roles and practices. 

Collaborative research 
DCODE brings together an exceptional team of internationally leading researchers and non-academic partners to address research challenges and disseminate knowledge, results, and best practices. The goal is to create new foundations for design and equip researchers with the skills and knowledge necessary for shaping responsible and sustainable digital futures, ultimately facilitating inclusive and anticipatory digital transformation. 

Image credits

Header image: Data_Pixabay.png