
Gert Jan Steeneveld

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    Amsterdam residents with low income: Less cooling from greenery, more vulnerable to heat stress

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    Research Urban Heat Amsterdam

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    Improving Urban Climate Modeling: Integrating Fine-Scale Data for Amsterdam

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    Estimating Urban Heat Island Effect in Northwestern Europe

    Urban heat island (UHI) effect, the temperature difference between cities…

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    Stadswarmte tijdens een hittegolf vastgelegd met radiosondes in Amsterdam

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    Assessing the potential and application of crowdsourced urban wind data

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    How Different Places Affect Water and Heat in the Netherlands

    Land Cover Control on the Drivers of Evaporation and Sensible Heat Fluxes

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    Hydrometeorological Monitoring in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

    As urbanization and climate change continue, there is a growing need to…

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    Direct observations of CO2 emission reductions due to COVID-19 lockdown across European urban districts

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    Urban Water Storage Capacity

    Urban water storage is vital for preventing flooding and reducing urban…

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