
Hydrometeorological Monitoring in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

As urbanization and climate change continue, there is a growing need to better understand and monitor weather in cities. In this study, we present two case studies conducted over a 17-day period in the Amsterdam metropolitan area, the Netherlands. We explore the potential and limitations of using nontraditional and opportunistic sensors for hydrometeorological monitoring.

We use three types of opportunistic sensing networks to monitor six important environmental variables.

  1. Air temperature: Estimated using smartphone batteries and personal weather stations.
  2. Rainfall: Monitored using commercial microwave links and personal weather stations.
  3. Solar radiation: Measured using smartphones.
  4. Wind speed: Recorded by personal weather stations.
  5. Air pressure: Data collected from smartphones and personal weather stations.
  6. Humidity: Obtained from personal weather stations.

We compare these observations with data from dedicated, traditional observation networks, although such networks are often sparse in urban areas.

Our findings show that nontraditional sensors can successfully monitor the passage of weather fronts when used together. Additionally, we demonstrate the value of opportunistic measurements in quantifying the urban heat island (UHI) effect during hot weather episodes. Personal weather stations prove effective in detecting the UHI, although UHI values from these stations tend to be higher than those from traditional networks.

Overall, this study highlights the significant potential for hydrometeorological monitoring in urban areas using nontraditional and opportunistic sensing networks.


Authors: L. W. de Vos, A. M. Droste, M. J. Zander, A. Overeem, H. Leijnse, B. G. Heusinkveld,
G. J. Steeneveld, and R. Uijlenhoet

Image credits

Header image: Wageningen2_web_cropped.jpg

Icon image: Sluishuis uitzicht over Amsterdam - Sanne Couprie - Fotobank Gemeente Amsterdam

