
Principles for True Pricing

The last few years have witnessed growing numbers of companies and organisations employing true
pricing practises. As the application of true pricing becomes more widespread, a common understanding
of or consensus around its rationale, procedures and underlying normative and technical foundations will
be necessary.
The document before you thus sets out the Principles for true pricing as envisioned by the True Price
Foundation. These principles are to be further developed in collaboration with experts and stakeholders
from the Impact Economy Foundation. The principles can serve as the basis for a much needed, harmonised methodology for true pricing which will accelerate transparency, remediation and, ultimately, the creation of a level playing field – steps that are critical to achieving the sustainable and inclusive economy the world needs today.

This document contains of the normative foundations and is accompanied by three annexes:

  • Normative Foundations of True Pricing contain the beliefs, norms and values we endorse to
    realise the true price vision, defining in practical terms what true pricing means and setting forth
    the basis of an applicable method for determining true prices.
  • Annex A provides Principles and definitions for calculating true prices based on the normative
  • Annex B lists the Rights, principles and obligations relevant to true pricing.
  • Annex C lists the Impacts in scope for true pricing

Are you representing a business or institution interested in true pricing? Find more information on joining our movement on Would you like to see and use true pricing in action? Visit True Price in Amsterdam.

Are you an expert interested in using the True Price method and contributing to its development? Visit for the complete overview of all the technical resources on true pricing and contact us at if you want to receive more information on current developments.

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