
Glossary & abbreviations list

In this article we collect relevant terms and abbreviations related to ESG.

CSRD: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - the revised version of the EU regulation NFRD.

EFRAG: EU advisory group drafting the ESRS (

ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance

ESG-rating: assessment of an organization's ESG efforts. These are awarded by rating agencies.

ESRS: European Sustainability Reporting Standards - the elements of CSRD.

EU-Taxonomie: Classification system of environmentally sustainable economic activities.

Green Deal: Overarching EU strategy - a set of policy initiatives to help the EU with the green transition, with the ultimate goal of climate neutrality by 2050 (

GRI: Global Reporting Initiative - independent, international organization that sets guidelines for sustainability reporting.

NFRD: Non-Financial Reporting Directive - predecessor of CSRD.

SFRD: Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. A European regulation with the aim of providing more transparency on how financial parties incorporate sustainability risks and opportunities into their investment decisions (

TCFD: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures - founded to help companies understand how climate change could affect their business. In other words a checklist for sustainable business (

Image credits

Header image: Photo by Li-An Lim on Unsplash