Chapter 4: Urban and Regional Research Ecology
Onderdeel van
Urban Regional Research Ecology
The experiences of the last few years show that there is a need for a more structured and vigorous knowledge infrastructure to optimally facilitate the growing collaborations between the city, knowledge institutions and societal partners, and also to secure knowledge for the future. In the context of the challenges that confront Europe, it is obvious and essential that cities in Europe collaborate. After all, they find themselves in each other’s geographic and ecological proximity, and also in each other’s social, cognitive and organisational proximity.
Amsterdam, May 2022
Editing & Translation: Paul Evans
Editorial: Ida de Freitas, Thijs van Schijndel, Zahraa Attar, Eva Baaren
Design: Artgrafica, Office CC
Creative Commons: Non-commercial, Attribution, Share-alike
ISBN/EAN: 978-90-819839-9-0
Citation: Nevejan C., Iaione C.F., Bamidis P., Jacob T., Hollstein A., Lardic J., 2022.
Urban Regional Research Ecology: on the local interaction between science and government, research and execution, theory and practice in times of accelerating and accumulating global crises. Report by the City Science Initiative, City of Amsterdam
48-49, 54-57, 60-63
Afbeeldingcredits ©
- Chapter 4 URRE
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