MSc Thesis UvA - Een profielschets en een vergelijking van meldingen van kindermishandeling bij Veilig Thuis in Amsterdam Zuidoost en Amsterdam Nieuw-West
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By Nadia Bara
The aim of the current study was to take a closer look at the reports of child abuse in two districts in Amsterdam (Southeast and New-West). They were both labeled as high-risk districts for cases of child abuse (Hazeleger, & Buster, 2014). A total of 740 anonymised reports (of a period of 20 month) were included in the study. A profile was made of both these districts based on characteristics like the type of the reported child abuse and descriptions of the persons who made the report. Besides, a comparison was made between the two districts to examine if there were any significant differences in characteristics of the child abuse reports. Finally the current study examined if there was an correlation between the result of the report (child abuse confirmed or disconfirmed) and whether the person who made the report was a professional or not. The analyses that were performed showed that there was a difference between the two districts in several variables. For example, domestic violence turned out to be significantly more often the cause of the reports in Amsterdam New-West, while pedagogic neglect happened more often in Amsterdam Southeast. The further results, limitations and implications are discussed in this research report.
Masterscriptie Forensische Orthopedagogiek
Graduate School of Child Development and Education
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Nadia Bara, 11405171
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Icon afbeelding: 020 Veilig Thuis