
Point Clouds Anonymisation

Poster by Kacper Sawicz

Point Clouds have already proven invaluable for numerous applications related to asset management. While the current density of the point clouds used at the City of Amsterdam is not high enough to recognize people, we would like to prepare for future technological developments and ensure in advance that citizens' privacy can be preserved while data can be shared with the public to stimulate further research and valuable applications.

This poster presents Kacper Sawicz's pipeline to pedestrian anonymisation by training a semantic segmentation model on an existing dataset from Paris and fine-tuning it on Amsterdam data.

Poster - Kacper Sawicz - Point Clouds Anonymisation


This research was conducted by Kacper Sawicz in collaboration with the AI Team, Urban Innovation and R&D, City of Amsterdam.

Involved civil servants: Daan Bloembergen

Supervisors: Martin Oswald & Daan Bloembergen

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