Determining Accessible Sidewalk Width by Extracting Obstacle Information from Point Clouds
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Presented at: ASSETS'22 workshop on The Future of Urban Accessibility
Obstacles in the sidewalk can often block the passage and prevent pedestrians from completing their daily tasks in adequate time and effort. Furthermore, the city registries are outdated or manually added, so there is no way to inform citizens about the best routes to follow and help city officials to have an overall image of sidewalk accessibility to improve it. The purpose of this paper is to suggest an automatic and scalable way to measure sidewalk obstacle-free width using point clouds.
Involved civil servants: Cláudia Pinhão, Chris Eijgenstein, Iva Gornishka, Shayla Jansen, Diederik M. Roijers, Daan Bloembergen
Presented at the workshop "The Future of Urban Accessibility for People with Disabilities: Data Collection, Analytics, Policy, and Tools" as part of the ASSETS'22 conference.
Cite as: Pinhão, C. F., Eijgenstein, C., Gornishka, I., Jansen, S., Roijers, D., & Bloembergen, D. (2022). Determining Accessible Sidewalk Width by Extracting Obstacle Information from Point Clouds. ASSETS'22 workshop on The Future of Urban Accessibility.
Image credits
Icon image: Icon - cover - Pinhão et al. - Determining Accessible Sidewalk Width by Extracting Obstacle Information from Point Clouds - ASSETS'22 workshop on The Future of Urban Accessibility