
Global Thinking

Does open science exacerbate global inequality in science?

This report was created by the ON-MERRIT project. ON-MERRIT was an EC-funded project (Oct 2019-Mar 2022) to investigate how and if open and responsible research practices might worsen existing inequalities. The multidisciplinary team uses qualitative and computational methods in order to examine advantages and disadvantages in Open Science and Responsible Research &Innovation (RRI).

The report, funded by the European Commission, highlights risks and recommendations in four areas: access to resources, infrastructures and services, publishing costs for open access, social systems of inequality in which scientists live, and tensions between open science and reforms to recognize and appreciate scientists.

Source: Cole, Nicki Lisa, Reichmann, Stefan, & Ross-Hellauer, Tony. (2022). Global Thinking. ON-MERRIT recommendations for maximising equity in open and responsible research (1.0). Zenodo.

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