Chapter 2: Cities are at the Centre of Transition
Part of
Urban Regional Research Ecology
European cities currently face major challenges. The local consequences of the climate crisis have created the necessity to radically reshape the energy supplies and mobility options, to organize chains and networks at local levels, in terms of a circular economy, and demand a redesigning of the public space so that, for example, air quality and space where children can be active are guaranteed. At the same time, it can be seen in the social and economic areas that an increasing gap between rich and poor is leading to polarization between the various population groups, that mental health problems are increasing, and that more and more people distrust the government. International business may be able to play a major role in combating the emerging social and climate crises, but they are predominantly occupied with concerns of quarterly earnings and competition.
Amsterdam, May 2022
Editing & Translation: Paul Evans
Editorial: Ida de Freitas, Thijs van Schijndel, Zahraa Attar, Eva Baaren
Design: Artgrafica, Office CC
Creative Commons: Non-commercial, Attribution, Share-alike
ISBN/EAN: 978-90-819839-9-0
Citation: Nevejan C., Iaione C.F., Bamidis P., Jacob T., Hollstein A., Lardic J., 2022.
Urban Regional Research Ecology: on the local interaction between science and government, research and execution, theory and practice in times of accelerating and accumulating global crises. Report by the City Science Initiative, City of Amsterdam
Image credits
Icon image: Flag of Europe.png