
Eco, Smart and Autonomous Cities, and AI

By Federico Curugullo

In this Urban Dialogue Session Federico Curugullo will present his new book “Frankenstein Urbanism: Eco, Smart and Autonomous Cities, Artificial Intelligence and the End of the City”. Frankenstein Urbanism is a book that tells the story of visionary urban experiments, shedding light on the theories that preceded their development and on the monsters that followed and might be the end of our cities. The narrative is threefold and delves first into the eco-city, second the smart city and third the autonomous city intended as a place where existing smart technologies are evolving into artificial intelligences that are taking the management of the city out of the hands of humans. In this talk, the author will present the book, introduce the end of the city thesis and answer your questions.

Federico Cugurullo is Assistant Professor in Smart and Sustainable Urbanism at Trinity College Dublin. His research is positioned at the intersection of urban geography, political philosophy and experimental urbanism, and explores how ideas of sustainability are cultivated and implemented across geographical spaces.


CUS Urban Dialogue (Extra Session) - Federico Curugullo on Eco, Smart and Autonomous Cities, and AI