
Events Calendar 2024

Below is a list of events, media, lectures and workshops related to the Integral Design Method Public Space and the publication BiodiverCITY_A matter of Vital Soil!. We update the calendar regularly. Want to read, listen and learn more? Check our 'List of Media Items' inside the collection 'Publicity'.


Academic Workshop Soil is participating in the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. (IABR) and the work is part of the exhibition "Hope of Nature"" till october the 13th by Het Nieuwe Instituut. 

IOOR 20240806 AWB schaal Jaehun Park

Photo credits: Jaehun Park


  • September 20th from 15:00 to 16:30: "Urban Power Unleashed - Cities as Climate Action Heroes" during the New York Climate Week 2024. This is an event by ITACUS (part of The Climate Group Programming).
  • November 4th: Day of the City (in dutch "Dag van de Stad") in Apeldoorn. For more info visit Dag van de Stad 2024 (
  • Look out for the upcoming interview on "Natuurinclusieve Gebiedsontwikkeling" a publication to be published by Nai010 Publishers, and for two articles on soil to be published this fall by the internationally scientifically oriented publisher "Springer".
  • The documentary "Wilderness under water" (in dutch "Wildernis onder water") will be released on NPO2 in december 2024.
  • The documentary "Netherlands from bottom up" (in dutch "Nederland van onderop"), will be released in spring 2025.


  • From June 29th to October 13th: IABR "Nature of Hope 2024" in Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam.



  • Metropolitan Mobility Podcast [in Dutch], interview with Joyce van den Berg by Geert Kloppenburg & Alexander van Altena, in preparation for the documentary 'De Stad van de Toekomst'.
  • The Voice of Urban Nature podcast, recorded as part of the exhibition in the Amsterdam-Almere pavilion at the Floriade Expo 2022.
  • Hier gebeurt het. Ondergronds podcast [in Dutch], recorded in June 2021 during Hier gebeurt het event .



July 2024

4th edition of the Academic Workshop Soil themed TIME with Wouter van Eck, Thijs van Spaandonk and Leo Pols at ARTIS-Groote Museum (11.07.2024)

June 2024

Opening 11th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) 'Hope of Nature' at Het Nieuwe Instituut.

May 2024

Event  "The Flexible City, Working together for the public space" in Pakhuis de Zwijger (21.05.2024)

April 2024

Lecture about soil and underground at IABR's "Atelier A16 Rotterdam: Mobility as a flying wheel for change" (10.04.2024)

3e edition of Academic Workshop Soil themed "Interaction" with speakers Michael Stech, Maike van Stiphout and  Rembrandt Zegers.  at Groote Museum. (11.04.2024)

Lecture and guest critique at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar for the Model Project Forum “Reflective Urban Practice” (18-19.04.2024)

Final event "Integralië" of the City Deal Public Space (23.04.2024)

 Event "Climate Resilience in Action" in Pakhuis de Zwijger (24.04.2024)

March 2024

Mini-symposium on soil management in urban spaces organized by the municipal maintenance services (28.03.2024)

Presentation for visiting Baltimore City Planning representatives (18.03.2024)

February 2024

Debate about 'Building with a long-term perspective' [in Dutch], organized by Amateur Cities, will take place at Waag Futurelab, Amsterdam. (08.02.2024)

Keynote BiodiverCITY presentation at Danish event Byens Gulv - The Wildest City Floor 2024, which is organized by Dansk Beton, the Betonvareforeningen, the University of Copenhagen, Danish Landscape Architects, Danish Landscape Architects, IDA, KVT and the Danish Byplanlaboratorium. (01.02.2024)

November 2023

BiodiverCITY_A Matter of Vital Soil! was presented at the International Symposium of Landscape Istanbul Fair 2023 (LIF 2023). 

October 2023

Flexible city - Solutions for a Circular and Climate Adaptive Europe. Book presentation, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam. (30.10.2023)

Night and Day of the City (in Dutch: Nacht en Dag van de Stad) in Arnhem.  (08/09.10.2023)

September 2023

Premiere of urban mobility documentary 'De Stad van de Toekomst' with panel of filmmakers and interviewees in Pakhuis de Zwijger.  (21.09.2023)

June 2023

Viewing for municipal colleagues of the soil documentary "Onder het Maaiveld"  at Kriterion, Routerstraat 170 Amsterdam. (07.06.2023)

Presentation at the Municipality of Dordrecht. (07.06.2023)

May 2023

BiodiverCITY_A Matter of Vital Soil! has won the 2023 World Landscape Award (WLA) - Award of Excellence in the Concept – Analysis & Planning category (24.05.2023).

Presentation on the Integrale Ontwerpmethode Openbare Ruimte and its concrete implementation in Rotterdam, by Joyce van den Berg and Richard Ruijtenbeek during the ConsulTable meeting at JC Arena Amsterdam. More information over the ConsulTable and its members via (12.05.2023)

Viewing for municipal colleagues of the soil documentary "Onder het Maaiveld" at Kriterion, Routerstraat 170 Amsterdam. (08.05.2023)

April 2023

Viewing for municipal colleagues of the soil documentary "Onder het Maaiveld" at Kriterion, Routerstraat 170 Amsterdam.  (12.04.2023)

March 2023

As part of the City Deal Public Space, the IOOR contributed to the National Congres for the Maintenance and Development of Public Space 2023 (30.03.2023)

Presentation "Designing the city for the future: Integral Design Method Open Space" at the Splendor artist center, during the visit of the Singapore director's delegation. As part of a leadership training course from the Singapore government, a group of officials from Singapore came to the Netherlands for a study trip. The overarching theme is "Leadership in Public Services to Citizens". (30.03.2023)

Participation to the Kick-off City Net Zero event set up and supervised by the Building Transformation Lectorate of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Bureau BURA. (21.03.2023)

Lecture over the Integral design Method Public Space for Utrecht University. (20.03.2023)

February 2023

The first edition of the Academic Workshop Soil will take place as part of the "Doeners en Doorbrekers" (Doers & Pioneers) program of  ARTIS' Groote Museum. (23.02.2023)

Presentation at the invitation of  Shibaura House about waterfront development, sharing the Amsterdam experience for the Japanese city of Minato. (20.02.2023)

Inspiration day Bureau Spoorbouwmeester [office for design of the railway system].  (10.02.2023)

December 2022

Presentation of the Blauwe Kamer Yearbook for Landscape Architecture and Urbanism in the Netherlands 2022, in which BiodiverCITY_A Matter of Vital Soil! is included. (10.12.2022)

Première of the film "Onder het Maaiveld" took place at the Eye Filmmuseum.  The film is all about soil life. (10.12.2022)

November 2022

Presentation for the City of Utrecht about Integral Design in Public Space. (14.11.2022)

"Transitiegesprek Wallengebied" took place as part of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) at Ferro, Rotterdam. It was a conversation about the sustainability transition in the Red Light District. (11.11.2022)

"Transitiegesprek ArenAPoort"   It was a conversation about the sustainability transition in the transformation area of ArenaPoort. (08.11.2022)

October 2022

Expert panel for session at DRIVE  2022 | Public Space Event. DRIVE is a Design Research & Innovation Festival during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, Netherlands. (25.10.2022)

Floriade Expo 2022, Almere, Netherlands. As part of this International Horticultural Exhibition we participated to The Voice of Urban Nature pavilion which is the contribution of Amsterdam-Almere. The expo closed on October 9th 2022. (14.04.2022)

Lecture at the Academy of Architecture in Arnhem. (07.10.2022)

Book launch of Ontwerpen vanuit de Doorsnede: de ondergrond als bouwsteen voor de toekomstbestendige stad [Designing from the Section: the underground as building block for a future proof city] took place in Antwerp.  The book gathers the results of the design study Stad x Ruimte, conducted by TU Delft, COB, the Flemish Department of Environment] and the Vereniging Deltametropool. On request, IOOR contributed a long-form article about the future of public space design. (06.10.2022)

September 2022

Dag van de Stad 2022 [Day of the City] will take place in Tilburg, Netherlands. This year the theme is The City that Belongs to Everyone. (29.09.2022)

The Integrale Design Method Public Space was part of the exhibition of  the Internationale Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR). (22.09.2022 - 27.11.2022)

Augustus 2022

Nomination by Design Studio Mag for the Design Studio Mag Awards 2022 with the research and publishing project  BiodiverCITY_A Matter of Vital Soil! for the “Environmental Care Award” (14.08.2022).

July 2022

Panel discussion about Healthy soils for liveable cities - Towards an urban Soil Biodiversity Strategy at the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) 2022, the biggest biannual interdisciplinary event about science and innovation in Europe. (16.07.2022)

Book launch of the Indonesian translation of the Integral Design Method Public Space, Vol. I & II,  including a webinar for professionals on Dutch and Indonesian approaches to urban sustainability. The event was organised by Demy Heezen of Andi Publisher. (15.07.2022)

Kennismiddag Bouwen vanuit de Bodem:  an interdisciplinary afternoon at ARCAM, full of inspiration about building from the soil up, including contributions by BiodiverCITY authors. (13.07.2022)

The Integral Design Method and the Amstel-Stad case were part of the Master program Transforming City Regions at the RWTH Aachen University. Our IOOR team members Alessandra Riccetti and Anita Sharpe were guest critics and challenged the students approach their designs more integrally! (06.2022 - 07.2022)

June 2022

Hugo de Jonge, Dutch Minister of Housing and Spatial Planning, made a working visit to Amsterdam to better understand the Integral Neighbourhood Plan Public Space (IGP OR) Wallengebied and the Integral Design Method Public Space. (27.06.2022)

Presentation of the Integral Design Method for Patrick Child, Deputy Director-General Environment, of the European Commission. All presentations for Patrick Child's visit can be reviewed here. (09.06.2022)

The department of Spatial Planning and Sustainability (City of Amsterdam) was invited by the Swedish Embassy to present Amsterdam's sustainability approach to Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden during a boat trip through the city. Our Chief Design Joyce van den Berg had the honour of sharing the Integral Design Method Public Space with the Crown Princess. (07.06.2022)

Presentation for the Learning Circle on Climate Adaptation in 'Gas-Free' Neighbourhoods (in Dutch) organised by Platform 31. (01.06.2022)

May 2022

Integral Design Method Public Space has won the Honour Award for Concept Analysis & Planning at the World Landscape Architecture Professional Awards 2022! (24.05.2022)

IOOR and BiodiverCITY were part  the event Onderzoek in de Stad & Food for Thought [Research in the City & Food for Thought] in Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This cultural evening was part of the introductory program for new council members of the City of Amsterdam. (24.05.2022)

Onder het Maaiveld Bodemdag 2022: Een levende bodem voor een gezonde stad [Soil Day 2022: A Living soil for a Healthy City] in Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam. (31.05.2022)

An article was written by Hans Bouwman, based on the talkshow about urban soil life we participated in, for the trade magazine Groen [Green] in its special edition on Steenbreek : "De bodem komt steeds meer op de voorgrond" [“The soil is coming more and more to the surface”] (Year 28, number 4).

March 2022

Naturalis Biodiversity Center, led by researcher Michael Stech, received a grant of 1.9 million euros from the National Science Agenda, a research program of the NWO, to work with the City of Amsterdam, universities, colleges, municipalities, businesses, nature organisations and other partners to open the "black box" of hidden biodiversity in the city: the HiddenBiodiversity project. (23.03.2022)

Cyber Agora #6 Underground Urbanism (online) by ISOCARP/ITACUS (15.03.2022)

Talk show on the Restoration of Soil Life in the Netherlands (in Dutch, online) by Stichting Steenbreek (09.03.2022)

Design Workshop at Rhode Island School of Design (USA) about public space design & the soil food web for Landscape Architecture graduate students (01.03.2022)

February 2022

Live cast Talk of the Town special: Sub terra, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (03.02.2022)

Webinar contribution “Indonesia New Capital: Smart City vs. Sustainable City, Making Nusantara 100% Sustainable” (24.02.2022)

January 2022

Workshop for Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, Velp. The Netherlands. (28.01.2022)

Stadswerk webinar Municipal elections 2022: Think underground. (26.01.2022)

Lecture about IOOR at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany. (18.01.2022)

November 2021

Onder onze voeten event during the exhibition Hier gebeurt het., Amstelkerk, Amsterdam.  (16.11.2021)

‘The Voice of Urban Nature’, We Make the City Green, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam. (11.11.2021)

Integral Design Method Public Space (online), City of Amsterdam, Sysnesia Energi and Andi Publisher, Jakarta, Indonesia. (01.11.2021)

October 2021

Exhibition, Hier gebeurt het Amstelkerk, Amsterdam. (28.10.2021 - 22.11.2021)

Book conversation, BiodiverCITY Rondetafelgesprek Arcam, Amsterdam. (19.10.2021)

Exposition, Sub terra Arcam, Amsterdam. (01.10.2021 - 06.02.2022)

September 2021

Bodemdierendagen, Erop of eronder! (24.09. 2021 - 06.10.2021)

Book presentation BiodiverCITY_A Matter of Vital Soil!, Pakhuis de Zwijger (Amsterdam). Watch back here! (28.09.2021)

Book presentation BiodiverCITY_A Matter of Vital Soil!, Venice Biennale of Architecture, Venice, Italy. More info: Who is We? Tijdens The Pavilion Days. (23.09 2021 - 24.09.2021)

Exhibition, Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, Seoul, Korea. (01.09.2021 - 31.10.2021)

Podcast  Hier gebeurt het. Ondergronds (06.2021)

All rights reserved

Image credits

Header image: Integrale Ontwerpmethode Openbare Ruimte - banner

Icon image: agenda biodiverCITY 2021