
Chapter 17: Zoöp

In this site-specific research, teams from four different cities in Europe critically explored and refined a method that makes legible as well as actionable the development in resilience of multispecies communities, which were approached as Zoöps.

The Zoöp is a new cooperative form of organisation for representing and cooperating with nonhuman ecological communities, developed at the Neuhaus academy for more than-human knowledge at Het Nieuwe Instituut. The term Zoöp is a combination of co-op (short for “ cooperative ”) and zoë, the Greek word for “ life ”. The Zoöp aims to strengthen the legal position of nonhuman life in human societies, and to stimulate ecological regeneration that is not subjected to extractivist economic logic.

(Below you can read and download the whole chapter.)

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Header image: Zoop

Icon image: Zoop

