
Celebrate the diversity

Verhaal door Phillip Melchers

I think the biggest problem with Amsterdam is the housing crisis. But I don't know what an individual person can do about it. I think continued development in affordable homes is always going to be a challenge. I hope also that with the tourism industry on the decline, this might help push Amsterdam in supporting home building. (Haha this is me dreaming big). But yea, more promotion of Amsterdam as a home and not just a tourist stop on the way to Berlin or Paris. Like, instead of gentrifying the red light district and pushing sex work to the other side of the city, maybe promote the area as a cultural center, where there happens to be sex work. It would be an interesting place to bring back an artistic spirit into Amsterdam's center.

In general, I'd say more creative, cultural spaces that help celebrate the diversity of the city.  I would like for Amsterdam to feel a pride in the people that live there - something that I would say Montreal does better than Amsterdam, as they have so many more festivals in the summer celebrating all the different heritage's that live there.

Leeftijd: 30
Stadsdeel: Oost

Image credits

Header image: Richard Niessen vaag.jpg