Transcription of video:

We’ve tried to make a spectrum of what we mean with mental health. We managed to draw a diagram with a continuum which goes from well-being to mental health problems. We want to map or ‘landscape’ these problems in the city. This landscaping considers data, as well as practices. We want accumulate a 360° lens overview of interdisciplinary approaches. We’ve made a list of new research and projects from different initiatives (e.g. inclusive societies, Digi culture).

We want to shape our methodology. Hereby we consider the culture shift to science today and we want to map the citizens in a systematic way so we can study them better within a new methodological approach. Imaginative projects could be the outcome of our meetings. We have a roadmap of actions that we could deploy: these are data coming from:

  • Universities
  • Cities
  • Research projects
  • Statistical data from other sources (e.g. Eurostat)

Possible issues are:

  • Scale
  • Fragmented data
  • Public and private spaces

Apart from the imaginative projects we want to identify ICT ways of mapping and intervening in mental health problems, as well as data on drugs. This is because we want data on drugs in connection with other things (e.g. how we move, live, feel etc.).

Our plan for next meeting is to:

  • Identify different descriptions
  • Formulate key priorities for research and practice
  • Identify key areas of interaction
  • Mapping the worst and best practices
  • Formulate implications for cities