Editor OR

Carrie Leermakers

Editorial board openresearch.amsterdam

Municipality of Amsterdam (Management & organization)
Chief Science Office
Cluster Digitalization, Innovation and Information

Carrie Leermakers, Editor at openresearch.amsterdam, brings precision to municipal research as the Secretary to the Chief Science Officer. With a keen editorial eye, she shapes the content of the City Council Research Collection on openresearch.

  • Collection (220)

    Onderzoeken/ Rapporten 2024 Gemeenteraad

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  • Collection (305)

    Onderzoeken/ Rapporten 2023 Gemeenteraad

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  • Collection (1)

    Waarde van Wetenschap

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  • Collection (7)

    Rijksbrede kennis

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  • Collection (4)

    Ontwikkeling Openresearch

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  • Public


    In de volgende fase zullen we de software van GlobalCampus integreren

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  • Public

    Design proposal openresearch 2023 - briefing

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  • Collection (278)

    Onderzoeken/ Rapporten 2022 Gemeenteraad

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  • Public

    Openresearch.amsterdam: the development of a digital platform for knowledge sharing

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  • Collection (9)

    Research (reports) in the City Council

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  • Public

    Anti-speculatie Rebel & Development Strategy

    Commissie Wonen en Bouwen 5 februari 2020

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