
Udi Davidovich

Senior Researcher & manager | Psychosocial research and prevention development | Dep. Infectious Diseases

Udi leads the psychosocial research line in the department. Since 1998, Udi concentrated on the study of HIV and STI related sexual risk among different key populations and the translation of these findings into the development of prevention strategies, both nationally and abroad. In more recent years, Udi also holds a position in the department of Social Psychology in the University of Amsterdam and broadened the scope of his research to other infectious diseases. Udi is also specialized in the usage of new technologies for the development and evaluation of prevention interventions for infectious diseases.

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    Trends in condom-use and related beliefs, norms and condom-negotiation experiences among men who have sex with men in the biomedical…

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    substudie ACS: PrEP surfing: Unprotected anal sex choices based on the HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use of sexual partners:…

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    Impact van veranderend chlamydia testbeleid richting minder testen bij vrouwen zonder klachten: een mixed methods aanpak

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    Kunnen mentaal welzijn, stress en veerkracht therapietrouw aan hiv pre-expositie profylaxe beïnvloeden?

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    ACS: Amsterdamse Cohort Studies

    Het oorspronkelijke doel van de ACS was het onderzoeken van het natuurlijk…

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    Determinanten van problematisch chemsex gebruik onder mannen die seks hebben met mannen

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    Motives and barriers for complying with ‘sexual distancing’ among men who have sex with men during the first COVID-19 pandemic…

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    E-Health for Zero Infections

    facilitating access to and use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in The…

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    Hoe maken mannen keuzes tussen (biomedisch) hiv-preventie strategieën

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    PREVENT (Peer-Empowered Voluntary Extended Network Testing).

    HIV peer testing onder niet Westerse MSM

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    Syfilis studies

    Er zijn 3 verschillende projecten die zich bezig houden met het onderzoek…

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    HIV prevention in the biomedical era

    Motivating MSM to protect themselves against HIV in the era of HIV as…

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    The ICECREAM study: Interventions to curb hepatitis C reinfections among men who have sex with men

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    MC Free: Amsterdam MSM hepatitis C Free

    In the Netherlands, unlike many other countries, HIV‐positive men who have…

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    Inzicht in de motieven en de gevolgen van PrEP gebruik; het kiezen van, en switchen tussen, dagelijks & intermitterend PrEP en impact…

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    Amsterdamse Cohort Studies

    Het oorspronkelijke doel van de ACS was het onderzoeken van het natuurlijk…

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