
Technical background

Ginger software

The basis under Openresearch is the Ginger software. Ginger's design is based on the ideas of the semantic web and builds on Zotonic. It is an up-to-date, open-source, user-friendly content management system (CMS) that is actively developed together with the user organizations.

Ginger's architecture is based on relational and semantic principles and is therefore very suitable for the sustainable disclosure and substantive connection of collections and extensive amounts of information. Organising information based on relationships ensures a flexible format that can continue to develop and that brings together information from multiple sources or multiple websites in a natural way.

The major advantage for users and visitors is that by structuring the content on the basis of metadata and relations, relevant and related information becomes evident.

Driebit is responsible for the design and layout of the platform. Driebit is a multidisciplinary agency that develops, in close consultation with clients, custom platforms and smart websites (based on the Symfony framework, based on PHP) or uses the semantic, open source Ginger platform for co-creation, education and heritage platforms. The agency has received various prizes and has extensive experience in making websites accessible to government organisations and museums, among other things, and ensures that all guidelines are met for an accessible platform.


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Image credits

Icon image: driebit.PNG