
Adding new users

As editor, you are able to create accounts for new users. This manual guides you through the steps of how to do so.

1. Click on your name at the top when you are on openresearch and find your profile page.

2. Click on the button "+add new users"



 3. A new window appears. Fill in the requested information: first name, last name, and email

4. Click ''send welcome email''

5. You will now see a confirmation window that informs you what type of account has been made. The type of accounts is automatically generated based on one's email address.

There are two categories:

  • Deelnemer: participant on the platform, has access to what has been shared with other users
  • Betrokkene: only provides access to what has been published on the internet publicly, and possibly access to a specific project/workspace.


The new user will have received an email with his/her username and password. He/she can change the password when first logging in.

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