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The Old & New City (Diversity & Inclusion)

In the session 'The Old & New City', part of day 1 of the AMS Scientific conference 'Reinventing the City - Blueprints for messy cities', three research papers were presented. Presentations by:

1) 'Citizen Voices in Climate Action: The role of interface design in digital engagement' by Juliana Goncalves and Geertje Slingerland (TU Delft)
2) 'Tourism and Urban Diversity in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Sassi di Matera and Amsterdam' by Diana Della Pietra (MOST Architecture)
3) 'Mosaic governance and environmental governance: Can civil society contribute to inclusive transformations?' by Arjen Buijs (Wageningen University)

13:30 - 15:00 | April 23, 2024 | Vollaerszaal, Pension Homeland, Marineterrein

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Header image: RGER_20170105_Nachtelijk-Amsterdam-lo-res-HD_0024.jpg

Icon image: School kids - Unsplash

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