Meet and Learn #Healthy Buildings: Innovation in the building sector in the Dutch-German border region.
Part of
Boosting the circular built environment in the Eurodelta
CircuLaw, initiated by the City of Amsterdam and Dark Matter Labs, is a new knowledge platform dedicated to enabling the transition to a circular economy by identifying opportunities in current law to support a circular future.
Will speak about Best Practice: Healthy Buildings
Healthy buildings combine the advantages of energy and resource efficient, circular buildings with a user friendly approach. This integrated approach covers ecologic, economic, and social dimensions in the building sector. How healthy buildings drive the sustainability transition in the Dutch-German border region and why especially our region is suitable for innovation in the construction industry.
About this event series:
The SURE Eurodelta explores the development of a spatial strategy for the Eurodelta. In this series of webinar we explore best practices to boost a circular built environment within Northwest Europe.
Image credits
Icon image: SURE Meet & learn- Healthy buildings.jpg