
The Eurodelta, balance by transition

The first sustainable, circular and equitable delta of Europe! Crossing borders to accelerate the transition!

In 2050 the citizens - all species - of the Eurodelta will live and work comfortably, safe and healthy within the boundary of our planet. In the resilient and just Eurodelta a broad welfare is created while enhancing the beauty and livability of its cities, villages and countryside.

The SURE Eurodelta network group is part of the European network of metropolitan areas Metrex. The group aims
• to help individual members to understand the context and the effect of their policies and actions,
• in order to implement more effective and efficient policies for the individual stakeholders.
• The actions of different individuals together will result in the restoration of the balance of the Delta by realizing an ecological, economical, and social transition.

SURE-Working-plan-2023-ext (1).pdf

The SURE Expert Group constitutes a broad network and contributes to stronger partnership between the cities and regions in the Eurodelta. The SURE Expert Group has since 2018 been a part of the METREX network, and has an active platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and projects on the European scale.
Inspired by the Nordic-Baltic Space Expert Group, which published in 2019 macro-regional analysis and perspective for transnational developments, the SURE Eurodelta Expert Group will focus on working together on the transnational level and developing collaborative agendas and projects.
The SURE Expert Group consists of spatial experts from the urban regions of the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Northern France. The SURE Expert Group is for members of the METREX network, but the Expert Group also co-operates with cities that are not (yet) members of the METREX network. This applies particularly to the cities within Europe that are within three-hours travel time from the centre of the urban region Eurodelta. This narrative shows a spatial-economic perspective of the collaborative power within the Eurodelta.
The SURE Eurodelta Expert Group first met at the 2018 METREX conference in San Sebastian. Since then the discussion has carried on with further meetings during the METREX Conferences.

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