
Perception Research - Pilot Weesperstraat

Between June 12 and July 23, 2023, the municipality of Amsterdam closed Weesperstraat to car traffic on weekdays from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. The aim was to investigate in practice the positive and negative effects of closing a through route for motorized traffic.

This research used a panel of 4,377 people who completed one or more questionnaires. These participants registered via an online registration page, which was linked to the website of the municipality of Amsterdam. This web page has been publicized through various communication channels.

The research is exploratory in design. Anyone who wanted to could participate. Due to this design, the
research population not representative of the Amsterdam population. This is because the panel is not representative of the population of Amsterdam. The results from this study are indicative.

Source: Van Emden, Marketing Consultancy | Stakeholder Journey.
Gemeente Amsterdam.

