A global benchmark of urban risk, response and recovery

By 2050, cities will be home to more than twothirds of the world’s population, placing them at the crux of humanity’s ability to adapt to the risks and uncertainties of the 21st century. Natural disasters from extreme weather to pandemics, and human catastrophes such as industrial accidents, terrorism and cyber-attacks, take their gravest toll on citizens in densely populated urban centres. Cities can also be flashpoints for instability and conflict due to poverty and inequality.

For the purpose of this research, Economist Impact defines urban resilience as a city’s ability to avoid, withstand and recover from shocks, such as natural disasters; and from long-term stresses such as poverty, decrepit infrastructure or migration. A resilient city should be able to self-organise following a shock event, adapt to unfolding risks and plan ahead rather than react. “With the reality of climate change, resilience is not just about the ability to withstand or absorb disturbances but [is also about] being sustainable. It must not add to any future potential problems while serving its basic functions,” says Lavan Thiru, executive director at Infrastructure Asia.

Read the full report below.

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Icon image: Resilient Cities Report - Economist Impact
