
Agenda Security of existence for Everyone

Discussed in the City Council on 24 January 2024

With this agenda 'Bestaanszekerheid voor iedereen', the council shows how it contributes to a better basis for a dignified existence for all Amsterdam residents. This starts with sufficient (financial) resources to live on, but also involves a solid and simple social system. As a municipality, we cannot solve all of this ourselves. Pursuing income policy is reserved for the government, but because structural national measures are not being taken, we as a municipality increasingly have to close gaps that have arisen. We do this on our own initiative, but also because the government requires it (e.g. energy allowance and single-income problems). This increasingly leads to dilemmas, because we have to consider where we can help and where we cannot.

Discussed in the City Council on 24 January 2024, Commision Sociaal, Economische Zaken en Democratisering 17 januari 2024, Commision Sociaal, Economische Zaken en Democratisering 13 december 2023, Onderwijs, Zorg en Armoedebestrijding 13 december 2023

Case officer: Directie Werk, Participatie en Inkomen, Leonie van den Berg,

For more information for the commision click here

For more information for the city council click here


Text and editing:
team Beleid, directie Werk, Participatie en Inkomen. 
Leonie van den Berg, Femke Kloppenburg, Harry Bodaar, Sander Havermans, Antoinette de Ruijter en Nadia el Kebir

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