
Ambitions of the City of Amsterdam regarding Light/Darkness

Presentation by Elsemieke Koole (in Dutch)

Below you can watch the presentation by Elsemieke Koole, the Darkness Manager of the City of Amsterdam. She works on making the city darker, and mainly focuses on light pollution caused by street lighting, but she also mentioned that private parties cause a large part of this light pollution.

With the necessity in mind, a nine-point plan has been set up to formulate, activate and enforce darkness policy of the City of Amsterdam. An important step is to work with city residents, companies and authorities and increase knowledge and awareness about light pollution, in order to reduce all sources of light pollution. There will also be a point where you can request less light.



The recording was made on the 22nd of September 2023 during the Academic workshop Urban Ecology and Biobased Solutions, as the Dark Festival kick-off.


Presentation slides


