Onderzoeksresultaten 2021 Wonen in Amsterdam (WiA)
Het onderzoek ‘Wonen in Amsterdam’ brengt sinds 1995 elke twee jaar het wonen in de stad in beeld. In 2021 is dit onderzoek voor de veertiende keer uitgevoerd. De Directie Wonen van Gemeente Amsterdam maakt standaard twee factsheets 'woningmarkt' en 'leefbaarheid'. Daarnaast wordt WiA gebruikt in andere rapportages, zoals in 2021 het rapport 'Wijken in de mix'.
Hieronder treft u de factsheets 'Woningmarkt' en 'Leefbaarheid'. Deze gaan primair over de ontwikkelingen tussen 1 januari 2019 en 1 januari 2021. Hierin wordt in beeld gebracht wat de ontwikkeling is van de woningvoorraad naar prijssegmenten en de samenstelling van de bevolking naar inkomensgroepen. Ook worden de tevredenheid met de woning en woonomgeving, en de woon- en verhuiswensen van Amsterdammers in kaart gebracht. Het rapport ‘Wijken in de mix’ gaat, zoals de factsheet woningmarkt, eveneens over de samenstelling van de woningvoorraad in relatie tot de inkomensstructuur, maar dan op het niveau van de 22 gebieden en 91 wijken. Daarnaast speelt de combinatie van huishoudensgrootte en woninggrootte een belangrijke rol in de gemengdheid van de wijken.
Cijfers uit WiA worden als input gebruikt door stadsdelen en directies voor het opstellen van beleid, programma's, voor uitvoering en monitoring. Daarmee zijn deze onderzoeken een belangrijke graadmeter voor het Amsterdamse woonbeleid. -
Housing in the city council
Amsterdam is growing. In recent years, 11,000 new Amsterdammers have been added every year. The municipality is now taking measures to be able to remain a mixed city and to ensure that people with a low income can also live in the city. The basic principles are: sufficient, affordable and sustainable housing. Within the metropolitan region, there is cooperation with other municipalities in order to be able to meet the great need for extra living space.
In this collection you will find studies, evaluations, fact sheets, future visions and other articles by the Municipality of Amsterdam on living. -
Equal opportunities in the housing market
Having a roof over your head is a fundamental human right. It is a basic necessity of life that makes it possible to lead a dignified life. This fundamental right is under pressure when people do not have equal opportunities when looking for a (rental) home. Recent research shows that one in three home seekers suspect that he, she or them is being discriminated against when getting a rental home. When someone is unable to find a home, this can have serious consequences. A house is the basis for building an existence. In addition, experiencing discrimination can have harmful consequences for people's health and well-being.
In this collection you will find articles on equal opportunities in the housing market. -
Housing crisis
Amsterdam has a major shortage of affordable houses. The waiting lists are too long, house prices too high, houses that become available are shooting up in rent or purchase price and too many Amsterdammers are forced to leave the city because they cannot find a suitable home. The construction of tens of thousands of new and sustainable houses is needed to meet the need for housing. It is not only about building many more houses, but also about the affordability of the Amsterdam housing market. This requires change in the housing market. This is a historically high ambition and this at a time when the role of the government is more limited and that of the market is greater.
In this collection you will find articles about the housing crisis. -
Sustainable construction and housing
We are going to live sustainably in Amsterdam. Among other things, by going off natural gas. Just like the rest of the Netherlands. The use of natural gas is responsible for a significant part of CO2 emissions and thus for global warming. This means that all Amsterdam homes and buildings must be connected to an energy source other than natural gas for heating, cooking and showering. In addition, we will generate more sustainable energy, for example through solar panels. And save energy, for example by turning the heating down slightly.
In this collection you will find articles about sustainable living and building. -
Toerisme - Dossier Economie