This story is about carefully looking at fights. Maybe fights are not as chaotic as they seem when you understand their rhythms.
The story is written by Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard, who is an anthropologist and criminologist. Her research focuses on public space behaviour, in particular rule breaking and rule compliance and how people deal with conflicts and violence.
The illustrations for this story are made by Cyprian Koscielniak. He is a renowned illustrator and graphic designer of posters, TV stage design, film leaders, book illustrations, newspaper illustrations, magazines and commercial work. Among other things he had collaborations with newspapers as NRC Handelsblad, Financial Dagblad, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Der Spiegel and New York Times.
To view the artwork that was made for this story, please check out this link.
The story in this episode is read by Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard