Predicting Quay Walls Deformation: A Model Fusion Approach
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Poster by Julian El-Fasih
Predicting quay wall deformation is crucial for maintaining the safety, accessibility and livability of our city.
This poster presents Julian El-Fasih's approach to predicting this deformation automatically. Previous research of the City of Amsterdam has shown that various data sources could be helpful for the task. Julian plans to experiment with different ways of fusing information from these data sources.
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This research was conducted by Julian El-Fasih in collaboration with the Bridges and Quay Walls Program (Programma Bruggen en Kademuren) and the AI Team, Urban Innovation and R&D, City of Amsterdam.
Involved civil servants: Pantelis Karamitopoulos
Supervisors: Frank Nack & Pantelis Karamitopoulos