MSc Thesis AMS Institute - The European Union Conflict Minerals Regulation: Company and governance strategies in Amsterdam
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MADE Student Project
This report is made as a master thesis for the master Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering (MADE). In this thesis the following main question will be answered: How can companies and governance implement the European conflict minerals regulation 2017/821? The European Union conflict minerals regulation (EU CMR) is introduced because of the link between consumer products and the social, economic and environmental consequences in developing countries. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the awareness of the challenges of EU regulation on conflict minerals and to find an approach to address them. This research uses the quadruple helix as a theoretical framework to understand the connection between governance, industry, academia and civil society. EU CMR for consumer electronics is important in an smarter world with smart cities in order to make the world more sustainable.
References can be found inside the document.
Author: Gwen Spil
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