Meaningful Human Control
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What does the self-driving car mean for human responsibility? The ''Meaningful Human Control'' project promotes innovation in self-driving cars in a responsible way.
Who is in control of self-driving cars?
Research institutes, companies and government are working together on the "Meaningful Human Control" project. Together we promote innovation in self-driving cars in a responsible way. Meaningful Human Control means having human designers, controllers, drivers that are able and willing to maintain sufficient understanding of these new systems and to remain accountable for them.
About the project
Autonomously driving cars are subdivided into five levels. Level 1 stands for limited driving task assistance. And level 5 stands for full automation.But what should people do or not do at what level? The project tries to answer the question of what drivers, designers and controllers of a self-driving car must know and can do. Is this more or less than traditional driving? And who is responsible when an accident happens? This is being investigated by the project group.
Watch the animation 'Who is in control of self-driving cars?' here
The new animation shows that it’s difficult to determine who is responsible in case of an accident. Is this the driver, the designer, the policy makers, other road users?And does these persons also feel responsible for the behavior of the vehicle? And who must have knowledge of the software? We investigate these and other questions in this project. We also develop methodologies, policies and regulations to promote innovation in self-driving cars.
With the animation we want to make drivers think: "What does the self-driving car mean for the responsibilities of the driver, the designers, the policy-makers?"
In the project Meaningful Human Control are working together: CBR, TU Delft, Achmea Royal Haskoning DHV, Transdev, ANWB, Langerak Van Roest Advocaten, Connekt, CBR, SWOV, AMS Institute, Rijkswaterstaat, Nationale Nederlanden, RDW, AMS en NWO.
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