

Smart Cities and Open data REuse!

SCORE is about increasing quality and reducing costs of public service delivery, with special regard to traffic, parking, sustainable mobility, water and waste management. 9 cities in 7 countries across the NSR got together to discuss which common challenges they find in their cities. They've looked at what already exists in terms of applications and solutions, and they are building on to that to create replicable and open sourced public service delivery solutions. This is a collaboration between cities, the developer communities, Smart City entrepreneurs and researchers in a project with the city and its people at the center. People in cities want convenience, sustainability and to have a voice as citizens in regards to the future of how Smart Cities are developed and appear.

SCORE aims to change how cities interact with and invests in technology, moving away from buying closed proprietary solutions, and towards a more open model in which governments work together to develop and maintain solutions.

For more information and updates, check website SCORE

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: smartcitiesandopendatareuse.png.jpg