Citizen communication and participation regarding sensors
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Smart city systems are on the rise. Together with national partners we are working towards a standard communication approach to enhance awareness on the use of sensors and, with that, the involvement of citizens.
The use of smart city applications to monitor, analyze and control urban processes is increasing. In many cases, these smart applications enhance livability for the people living in these cities, but at the same time they have an impact on social standards and values. Citizens are hardly aware of these systems and the impact they have on their lives.
Currently there is no standard approach for communicating about sensors and creating interaction with citizens living in smart cities. In addition, the variety of signage and other forms of communication that are currently being used is confusing.
As we believe that awareness and accountability are essential for a well-functioning democracy, we are - in collaboration with a group of nation-wide partners - working towards an effective and inclusive communication approach on sensors in public space and the systems they belong to. This ensures democratic values like privacy, transparency and accountability and at the same time encourages interaction and participation.
In our project 'Citizen communication and participation regarding sensors' we collaborately work towards an effective and inclusive communication approach (online and offline) about sensors in the city, which contributes to the participation of citizens. Our long-term goal is to create a national standard for explaining sensors.
January 2021 - ongoing
Commissioned by
- City of Amsterdam
- Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS)
- Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG)
- Noord-Brabant province
- The Hague municipality
- Rotterdam municipality
- Utrecht municipality
Source: Responsible Sensing Lab - Citizen communication and participation regarding sensors