
Urban green strategy for urban climate adaptation

Project information

Urban green, such as trees, can be an effective climate adaptation measure in cities. Trees, however, differ a lot in their cooling effectiveness, depending on tree height, size and density of the tree crown, and its moisture evaporation capacity. This project studies these characteristics for some 30 tree species by measuring and modeling. The results are extrapolated to some 300 species based on a series of tree characteristics to enrich an online database that can be used by urban green professionals to pick the right tree for any urban location. In addition, the effects of different tree scenarios in four historical neighborhood types are simulated. The results of this project provide urban professionals with practical, hands-on information on the climate adaptation effectiveness of different greening strategies and the performance of 300 tree species.

Project lead

Jelle Hiemstra (WUR)


WUR, De Groene Stad, Royal Flora Holland, VHG, Boot & Dart, M. van den Oever, Ebben, Royal Anthos, Floriade, Boomkwekerij Udenhout, Van Den Berk, HvA, AERES, Van Hall Larenstein, Stadswerk, Oogstfonds, City of The Hague, City of Amsterdam, City of Wageningen, Niek Roozen Landschape, Topsector Tuinbouw & Uitgangsmaterialen

Total budget



5 years

Image credits

Icon image: Urban green strategy by AMS Institute.png