HvA Publication 'Knowledge on the Streets'
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Travel along the rich learning environments of the AUAS (HvA) in and around the city!
University of Applied Sciences in 3D: Sustainable, Diverse & Inclusive and Digital for the future. That's what the students, teachers and researchers of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences work on every day. Together with companies, social institutions, government, other knowledge institutions, entrepreneurs and residents in and around the city.
All these people meet in different compositions on the 4 city campuses, in the online learning envionments and in the more than 40 living labs in the city.
These are physical places in the city where participants from education, research and practice learn and innovate together in order to find solutions for the challenges of the neighbourhood, city and region. In this publication, get to know 10 living labs of the AUAS in the city ; to which urban challenge do they contribute, who do they work with and how can you participate? Read the visions on learning, innovating and creating impact by the practice-oriented researchers of the AUAS themselves. What do you think about designing rich learning environments in the city?
Get inspired by the many initiatives that are working on the innovation of the education of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, without a blueprint yet. What can you do to make even more impact with students and researchers for the challenges of the city? Have fun reading and we look forward to seeing you at one of the rich learning environments in the Amsterdam region!
Autors: Anne van den Eijnden, Annemarie Hulst-Waal, Daniel Haverkort , Katja Pasman, Lino Boekelman, Maarten Terpstra, Marije Poel, Myrne Barendregt, Ragini Fit, Rob Andeweg, Simone Magilse. And many others!
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Icon image: Cover Kennis ligt op straat!