Collapse of Grimburgwal: lessons for the Amsterdam area
Part of
Project report
This report provides an initial analysis (rapid assessment, RA) of the collapse of the Grimburgwal (GBW) on 1 September 2020 using a forensic engineering approach. The aim of the investigation is to find out which lessons can be learned from the collapse of the Grimburgwal for the other quays in Amsterdam. The following research questions have been answered in this study based on the information and analyses presented in this report. It should be noted that much has become clear, but that some data could not be found. Furthermore, only analyzes that could be performed in this phase of Rapid Assessment were performed.
Authors: Mandy Korff
Dr. Rita Esposito
Ir. Mart-Jan Hemel
Citation: Korff, M., Hemel, M. J., & Esposito, R. (2021). Bezwijken Grimburgwal: Leerpunten voor het Amsterdamse areaal.
This report is written in both English and Dutch.
Image credits
Icon image: Grimburgwal_Canva .png