Collection (4)

Urban Energy Production and PED's

In this collection you will find the paper presentations of 'Urban Energy Production and Positive Energy Distractions (PEDs)'. These presentations were given on the first day of the scientific conference: 'Reinventing the City'. This conference is organized by AMS Institute in collaboration with the Municipality of Amsterdam.

Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) are urban neighborhoods that generate an annual surplus of renewable energy and have zero greenhouse gas emissions. In these districts, or city districts, energy is used very economically. PEDs also provide a flexible system for energy use and storage and dynamic integration into regional energy systems.

Click on 'more information' for the program and the speakers.

More information

The following presentations are included in this collection:

  • An introduction to the concept of lived experience and energy vulnerability for the design of fair and resilient smart city projects (researcher: mr. Luca Lamonaca)
  • Can Positive Energy Districts help to reduce energy poverty and achieve a just to bring about a transition? (Researcher: mr. Adam Hearn) 
  • Flatten the curve: a new approach for energy exchange (Researchers: mr. Riccardo Palazzolo Henkes and mrs. Marta Galdys.)

Image credits

Header image: Groene energie

Icon image: Groene energie

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