
MSc Thesis UvA - Public cooperation in the context of countering radicalization: The predicting role of police manners and trust

By Pepijn Kip

This study examines the role of public cooperation with the police in the context of countering radicalization. Existing literature mentioned the process-based policing model as mechanism to establish public cooperation in fighting general crime. This study applied the model on countering radicalization. A survey experiment among 180 participants in the Amsterdam district Geuzenveld was conducted. Results indicated that levels of public cooperation could be predicted by police manners via the mediator trust. This study linked police manners to hard and soft strategies, and found that hard strategies lead to less public cooperation than soft strategies. The findings implicate that the process-based policing model could be applied in the context of countering radicalization. This study improves the understanding of countering radicalization as well as it broadens the knowledge on public cooperation.

Master thesis Political Science

International Relations

Micro-foundations of international conflict

Author: Pepijn Kip

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Icon image: Flickr - Geuzeveld