14th July 2020 - 1:13:12 min.

Here you can watch the recording of the livestream of the Exploratorium Presentation. On July 14th, participants presented the results of the various studies for the first time. This article also lists the context and the overall planning of the presentation event of the Exploratorium. Below you can find the PDF of the program and line-up under 'Documents'.

Livestream Part 1

Livestream Part 2

The Exploratorium, which was originally intended to use the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia as a learning environment, has been transformed into an online research program, which can be followed at openresearch.amsterdam. Here, artists, designers, researchers and activists from different parts of the world collaborate, in their own thematic research projects, based on different topics and are called ‘tracks’. Within (and between) the tracks, new working methods are developed that make connections between fields such as social and physical sciences, art, design, architecture, and even more than human life worlds. The Exploratorium is co-curated by We are here Venice. New values for survival are explored with and for Venice. The results of these special collaborations ultimately will form the second Cahier, partly designed by the participants themselves. On July 14th, participants presented the results of the various studies for the first time.


All rights reserved CR openresearch.amsterdam
Image credits ©

    Media/images in text

  • Deel 2 Exploratorium Zoom.mp4
  • Part 1 Expl. Presentation
  • Appendix

  • exploratorium deel 1 Elisabeth
  • PDF document

  • 14 June Program
  • Icon/thumbnail

  • Expl Pres.jpg
  • Fuller projection_Marco Edit Cropped.jpg
