How big is the impact of the microorganisms on our planet? Radical Covid-19 crisis pointed out what the micro-biology knew for a long time. The scale relations and entanglements between social and ecological processes, visible and invisible worlds, are the main topics of the Fisheye project. Adressing the microorganisms, policies, ideologies and data embedded in spatial practices, the project looks into the hybrid geographies of the the Vence Laguna comparig it to the Dutch Marjermeer-Ijsselmeer. Looking into the fragile ballance of the shallow water territories, the narrative unfolds around the main protagonist, ‘bricola’ waterpole. The story unravels the multiplicity of scales, communities and impacts, simultaneously reflecting the prospects of raising waters, and emerging bio-immunity policies.
This research operates at the intersection of architecture, science and nature, established as collaborative effort between architects, scientists in the fields of bentic aquatic biology and envinronmental science. Challenging a perception of water from an omnipresent ‘blue’ space, towards a rich body with agency and an essential factor for cohabitation and immunity of this planet.
Narratives presenting the voices of the lagoon, will be bundled in an Ilustrated magazine with contributions by multidisciplinary parties, and accompanied by animated illustrations poping up live on your phone. The magazine and (animated) visuals aim to inspire the conversations and cross the disciplinary borders of science, arts and humanities, playing with the visible and the invisible actors and surprising interrelations in the narrative. By doing this, the project is questioning the accepted hegemonies of human-dominance to other species, hoping we can replug ourselves back into a planetary metabolism. ‘Fisheye’ is a call for reflection, and humbleness.