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Amsterdam Research Institute of the Arts and Sciences (ARIAS)

ARIAS, the Amsterdam Research Institute of the Arts and Sciences, aims to foster collaborative research between the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), Gerrit Rietveld Academy, University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam). All five institutions are represented in the ARIAS board as well as in the ARIAS advisory committee.

The goal of ARIAS is to facilitate new joint research programs, funding applications and to give visibility to research in and through the arts. Drawing from important research themes at NWO and the Nationale Wetenschaps Agenda, the three main research clusters of ARIAS are: ‘the city as a site of research’, ‘art, culture & health’, ‘art, research and education.’

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ARIAS is a platform for collaborative research through scientific and artistic practices. Its foundational drive is to nurture a diverse and sustainable research ecology among the institutions and organisations of education and knowledge in Amsterdam.

The platform forwards research on the intersection of the sciences, arts, and other practice-based disciplines. ARIAS stimulates transdisciplinary collaborations and experimentation with innovative methodologies, and co-develops the supportive structures needed for such hybrid forms of research that make alternative perspectives on today’s complex issues possible.

This is the agenda ARIAS articulates and acts upon as mediator and generator in between five knowledge institutions for academic and higher education that founded the platform in 2016: University of Amsterdam (UvA), VU Amsterdam (VU), Gerrit Rietveld Academie (GRA) / Sandberg Instituut (SI), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) and Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK).

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Coordinating ARIAS team: Jeroen Boomgaard (programme manager), Flora Lysen (programme coordinator). Through the Chief Science Office the invite empoyees of the municipality of Amsterdam for network meetings.

Image credits

Icon image: logo ARIAS.jpg

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