foto Udo Reijnders van

Udo Reijnders

Geneeskundige Gezondheidsdienst - Amsterdam Medisch Centrum - Universiteit van Amsterdam

Udo Reijnders studied medicine at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He obtained his PhD from the same University in 1990. Since 1990, he is working at the Amsterdam Public Health Service, Department of Forensic Medicine.

In November 2015 he was appointed professor at the University of Amsterdam on a special chair in Forensic Medicine. Since 2013 he is also the main trainer Forensic Nursing.

The focus of his research projects is on the development and appliance of tools in forensic death investigation, as for instance the post-mortem toxicological urine screening in cause of death determination; several analyses like the characteristics and post-decision attitudes of non-reporting (sexual) violence victims and other assaulted individuals; the aftercare for violence victims; recognition of different types of injury; ins and outs concerning medical help in detainees and wound age determination.

He has authored/co-authored >40 peer reviewed scientific publications, and wrote 2 books on forensic aspects of corpses and injuries and several book chapters on several forensic medical aspects.