

Working on more livable cities with less cars

Amsterdam without private cars is almost unimaginable. But maintaining the sustainable accessibility and liveability of urban regions is becoming increasingly challenging, which means alternatives to private car usage need to be explored.

Smart mobility solutions
With cities becoming busier, the number of trips is increasing, and the accessibility of city centers is decreasing. Even in and from/to Amsterdam a lot of trips are done by private car. All these private cars take up a lot of space that could also be used for other purposes, such as recreation, green, leisure or for pedestrians and cyclists. Other forms of mobility thus need to be explored. These potential smart mobility solutions consist of flexible combinations of walking and cycling, shared electric vehicles, transport hubs, freight, delivery, and traffic management – but how can we model, predict and test these integrated solutions?  

Digital Twins 
XCARCITY is a five-year program designed to work on these solutions, using the latest modeling and digital tools. The program will develop (realistic) digital replicas (‘digital twins’) of low-car areas in Amsterdam, Almere and Rotterdam. With these digital twins, the consortium will study how people use different smart mobility services, and what their effects can be. 

Scientific challenges 
The program is packed with research and pilots, aimed at making urban regions sustainably accessible. In seven work packages, 32 partners work on topics ranging from in-depth research on mobility flows to the co-creation of solutions for new mobility systems. Results of XCARCITY will help cities, area developers, and mobility providers to make informed decisions about smart mobility, ensuring that car-low urban regions of the future remain accessible. More specifically, project output will enable mobility providers to offer cost-efficient mobility services, it will help public authorities develop a perspective of action and can support digital infrastructure consultancies and engineering companies develop the right tools to support both the private and public sector. 

Image credits

Header image: SnappyGoat - mobility