

2024-2027 This project focuses on the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the public sector, particularly at the local and regional levels

By identifying and exchanging best practices and new solutions among European cities and regions, the project aims to assist policymakers in creating policies that promote the safe and ethical integration of AI into the practices of the public sector.

  • [WHO:] City of Helsinki, Gemeente Amsterdam, Piemonte Innova, Bacau City Council, Bucharest-ilfov Regional Development Agency, Riga Digital Agency
  • [WHERE:] Amsterdam, Helsinki, Bacau, Bucharest, and Riga
  • [DURATION:] 4 years, start date 1-1-2024
  • [ROLE OF AMSTERDAM:] Amsterdam is a partner in this project
  • [TOTAL BUDGET:] 1,763,370 euros
  • [HOW MUCH FOR AMSTERDAM:] 247,680 euros
  • [SUBSIDY PROGRAM:] Interreg Europe
  • [CONTACT PERSON:] Daan Manojlovic,

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Image credits

Icon image: AI4CITIZENS