

2024-2027 This project focuses on developing and deploying digital twins to make decision-making and spatial planning more inclusive and democratic.

Local Digital Twins (LDTs) are virtual representations of areas, such as cities, created using advanced technology that models and simulates real-world data. These twins serve as powerful innovation tools, enabling visualization, analysis, simulation, and prediction of areas in unprecedented ways. Through T4R, local governments explore how to best implement LDTs and share knowledge with relevant stakeholders.

  • [WHO:] Gemeente Amsterdam, All Digital, Gemeente Utrecht, Agentschap Digitaal Vlaanderen, Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij, Gemeente Leiedal, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Gemeente Schuttrange, Gemeente Brussel, DKSR, Dublin City Council, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, K8, Rennes Metropole
  • [WHERE:] Utrecht, Amsterdam, Rennes, Dublin, Brussels, Leiedal (BE), and Schuttrange (LU)
  • [DURATION:] 3.5 years, start date 1-1-2024
  • [ROLE OF AMSTERDAM:] Amsterdam is a partner in this project
  • [TOTAL BUDGET:] 8,375,912 euros
  • [HOW MUCH FOR AMSTERDAM:] 339,780 euros
  • [CONTACT PERSON:] Marcel van Lieshout,

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Icon image: T4R